


Non- Toxic products provide a safe, easy, and convenient way to clean your eyeglasses, sunglasses, camera lens, smartphone screen, laptop screen, and more!

• Peeps (Eyeglass & sunglasses cleaner) Peeps-Injected-Green-w-silver-5-600x600• SmartKlear (Smartphone screen cleaner)SMK-RUS_Elite
• ScreenKlear (Tablet screen cleaner)SDK_Elite
• Laptop Pro (Laptop screen cleaner)LTP-Black-7-600x600
• CellKlear (Smartphone camera lens cleaner)CellKlear-1-600x600

Designed specifically for cleaning and disinfecting your everyday lifestyle items. Carbonklean products use a unique invisible Carbon cleaning compound to safely and easily clean your products and helps with common bacterial matter that latches on to these items on a daily basis!


-SAFE: For use on all Optical Lenses, LCD, Plasma, Glass Surfaces and High-Quality Screen Protectors.

-EFFECTIVE: Nothing removes oily fingerprints, facial oil, and dust better than CarbonKlean!

-CONVENIENT: For use on all Optical Lenses, LCD, Plasma, Glass Surfaces and High-Quality Screen Protectors.

-LONG LIFE: Cannot dry out, unaffected by temperatures, never expires!

-ECO-FRIENDLY: Our technology is based on the cleaning power of the natural element, Carbon.

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