


Intox-Detox tackles the world’s oldest problem – the negative after effects of alcohol consumption with real science. And best of all, it works.into

Taken before you drink, Intox-Detox™ is the only product on the market that addresses the cause of the after-effects of drinking alcohol, not just the symptoms.

Japanese raisin can teach you how to avoid a hangover!Japanese Raisin: Intox-Detox™ provides a clinically-proven dose of Japanese Raisin, shown in human research to break down the metabolite Acetaldehyde, which is largely responsible for the painful after-effects of drinking.

Setria Logo 2Setria®: Using a first-to-market ingredient found only in Intox-Detox™, this patented ingredient is shown to increase Glutathione levels in people by 35%. Naturally produced in the body, Glutathione neutralizes the toxicity of Acetaldehyde,.

Hangovers suck! Intox-Detox™ has green tea to helpGreen Tea: Preliminary research suggests that Green Tea helps the body energize, detox and fight the damaging free radicals that come from toxins like alcohol.

Ginseng may function as an all natural hangover remedyGinseng: Not just for energy! The science says Korean Red Panax Ginseng can help restore balance and eliminate toxins from your body, boosting liver function.

Intox-Detox is all-natural, safe, clinically proven and clinically dosed, based on human research, to help the body detox, recover and protect from the damaging after effects of alcohol consumption.

*Taken BEFORE drinking alcohol, rather than waiting until after the damage is already done.

*The ONLY Alcohol Detoxification and Recovery Formula to contain the patented and clinically proven ingredient Setria L-Glutathione.

*Non-GMO, gluten-free, all-natural and vegan.

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