
Switch International


Intelligent accessories for your gadgets!   Switch International created a brand that combines the best features o the  Nordic design, simplicity and quality, with the latest creative technology. The result are lifestyle tech accessories that enable your gadgets to do even more.

buddyphone-sharing2BuddyPhones are the best headphones for kids with unique design and sharing technology allowing kids to listen and enjoy safely. BuddyPhones use a built-in, always-on sound-control circuit to cap peak volume levels at 85 decibels that is the recommended level by many auditory health organizations in the U.S., WHO, EU and others for children. BuddyPhones comes with a built-in BuddyCable audio splitter that allows you to share your music by plugging in a second audio cable into your BuddySystem, it is perfect for sharing with  your best bud.

skinlogoThe MacBook® Skins from onanoff™ protect and preserve all surfaces of your laptop, keeping them scratch-free, while adding a touch of luxury and style. The eco-friendly skins are made from synthetic leather that provides a firm and soft hold on the slippery MacBook aluminum body, making it feel snug and secure in your hands. The Skin includes a palm guard, bottom skin and top skin with cut-out for the apple logo, and has a strong adhesive that sticks well, but is easy to remove and leaves no residue. The MacBook Skins are available in a myriad of colors, and offer an easy way to smarten-up your laptop and add color and flair, without bulking or covering up the Apple design.

Screen Shot 2016-09-01 at 12.02.15 PMSound Cover™ is a unique iPad Air smart cover with built-in flat NXT stereo speakers, offering powerful and high-quality sound that boosts the iPad’s volume by up to 400%. The cover protects the iPad, making it truly rocking travel companion, and its ultra-thin and lightweight design makes it perfect for people on the go.

  • Increasing volume by up to 400%
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • High-quality sound, perfect for music, video games or movies
  • Boosting bass and clarity levels
  • 3300mAh Lithium Ion Battery, battery life (over 15 hours)
  • Solid and stylish protection
  • Ultra-thin, lightweight and modern design, suitable for multiple occasions
  • Automatic Sleep | Wake function
  • Ultra-thin, 14mm
  • Lightweight 570gr
  • Fits Apple iPad Air 1 & 2 generation
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