Virtual Halo

Virtual Halo

Virtual Halo

Designed for Travelers, Business People, Adventure Seekers & Families12919926_938805909566657_6063616381672888570_nVirtual Halo is an app designed for the Apple Watch and iPhone that is aimed at providing peace of mind to you and those close to you through a suite of active and proactive features.Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 1.27.07 PMDesigned to be personal and intuitive, Virtual Halo is a Personal Notification System that is there when you need it, always waiting in the background, but without people being able to track you on an active basis. Whether in a compromising situation, a bad date, or being kidnapped, engaging ourĀ SOSĀ feature sends notifications to your emergency contacts with the closest street address to your location and a link with your specific coordinates.Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 1.27.20 PM

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